The Tutti Fruity Goody Good show

In development. 52 x 7 mn. All ages. Comedy.

A series by François Leroy, Stéphanie Lansaque and Franck Ekinci.

Your friends never laugh at your jokes? You never come up with the right thing to say? The potted fern has a crush on you? You always seem to be in the dark when it’s so light outside?
If for any of these reasons or a thousand and one others, your life is a living hell, then there’s only one solution: tune into “The Tutti Fruity Goody Good Show!”, the only show that does you good! In less than 7 minutes, all your problems will disappear thanks to the show’s two dynamic hosts. After listening to your troubles, interviewed your friends and filmed your daily toils, Berry and Wendy are going to give you the miracle machine that will turn your life around, whisk away your problems!
The first animated reality show, The Tutti Fruity Goody Good show is a totally wacky satire of reality TV, from talk shows to game shows! Since the participants are all fruits or vegetables, this is your golden opportunity to at long last, listen to that silent majority and learn more about their often surprising, always amazing and totally improbable… problems!

Pilot available in English, but, do not panic, subtitled in French. And there was no piece of cake to translate, then it’s called: The Tutti Fruity Goody Good Show. Like what, huh …