2014. 14 greasy minutes. Enlightening black humor.
Written and directed by: Winschluss.
Aired: Canal +.
Backing: CNC, Procirep, Angoa.
In the garage of a peaceful suburban house, two children are rummaging around the shelves full of odds and ends. They inadvertently spill a can of oil. A drop falls onto the floor and morphs into Dropix, the official mascot for 2-in-1 all purpose oil, « the oil for your car AND your fries ». Dropix is going to take the kids on a marvelous and instructive voyage to the 2-in-1 oil factory. You too should only ask for the best, whether it’s for your salads or your 8 horsepower engines, use 2-in-1 !
Selections festivals / Price
– Festival international du film d’environnement, Paris (France)
– Festival national du court métrage, compétiton “Labo”, Clermont-Ferrand (France)
– Festival du cinéma européen, Lille (France)
– Festival International de Cinéma d’Animation de Meknès (Maroc)
– 20 min max Short Film Festival, Ingolstadt (Allemagne)
– L’Étrange festival, Strasbourg (France)
– Festival du DocuMenteur de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Canada)
– Anima Mundi, Rio de Janeiro et São Paulo (Brésil)
– Le Courtivore, Mont Saint-Aignan (France) Prix du Jury étudiant
– Partie(s) de Campagne, Ouroux en Morvan (France)
– Ciné sans filet, Alet les Bains (France)
– Animatou, Genève (Suisse)
– China International Animation and Digital Arts Festival, Changzhou (Chine)
– Kinookus, Ston (Croatie)
– Festival du film d’animation Multivision, Saint-Petersbourg (Russie)
– Festival international du court métrage de Lille (France)
– Nuit du court métrage de Lausanne (Suisse)
– Anim’est, Bucharest (Roumanie)
– Festival national du film d’animation, Bruz (France)
– Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie (Canada)
– Cinanima, Espinho (Portugal)
– Festival international du film d’Amiens (France)
– Festival de l’Etrange, Paris (France)
– Les Utopiales, festival de science-fiction, Nantes (France) Prix du Jury de la Compétition européenne des courts métrages